This review of McGonigal's "Reality is Broken" was my first experience podcasting.
Later I did another podcast review, this time of only one chapter of a book, chapter 3 of "Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice" by Anne Meyer, David Gordon, & David H. Rose.
I created both podcasts using Anchor, which is now Spotify for Podcasters.
Other podcasts that I subscribe to and strongly recommend include:
Alan Watts Podcast
American History Tellers
American Scandal
Democracy Now!
Jim Hightower's Lowdown
The Journal
Local Energy Rules
The Moth
MrBallen Podcast: Strange, Dark, & Mysterious
most anything by NPR (This American Life, The Daily, Fresh Air, Here & Now, Hidden Brain, On Point, On the Media, Politics Podcast, Science Friday)
Pod Save America
Public Power Now
Revisionist History
The Rewatchables
Start Making Sense
State of the Unions
TED Radio Hour
Please send me your recommendations as well!
Header photo by Alfred Schrock on Unsplash