Digital Animation
This project was my first time using Adobe Animate. My process was as follows:
I started by choosing a background color for my stage.
I created 8 text objects, each as an individual layer so that I could manipulate the timing for each.
I altered the font type, size, and color for each text object.
I resized and uploaded two vector images, a battery and a lightbulb, which I obtained from
I represented current using a line object with modified properties. Once created, I modified the line's timeline so that the size of the line would change every 1/2 second or so, attempting to create the image of current flowing through the circuit.
I recorded my audio using Audacity, then uploaded that as another layer. I created a script as a text file so that I could upload exact captioning on YouTube.
The last, and most time-consuming aspect of the project, was aligning my audio with the various elements in the video. I had the symbol for each element (current, voltage, & resistance) appear on the screen at roughly the same time that I introduced them. Similarly with the math elements.
In an effort to reduce extraneous load, I had the symbol become enlarged and the print appear in red as the value for each item was revealed. Finally, I published the video, converted it using Swivl, and uploaded it to YouTube.
This was a very challenging but ultimately enjoyable and rewarding project. Animate, like Gimp and Inkscape, has tremendous functionality. And along with that functionality comes, of course, complexity.
Header photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash